In addition, another irregularity that Hermawan saw was the unclearness of the person who brought the victims to the hospital.
The bodies of the eight victims had no administrative records at the hospital. Who took it. Where the victim’s crime scene was taken and taken.
“Mosok RS does not ask: Who is it, how come, carry this dead body?” He said.
So that the location of the shooting is unknown due to the unclear identity that took the victim.
“The bodies that were carried all without identity. Besides that, the whole body was not clear who took it and who sent it to the hospital. Where the victim’s crime scene died. There is no data on who took and carried it. The alias is gone,” he said.
n a series of actions from 21-22 May 2019 in the Bawaslu building, Jakarta, which led to chaos in several places, eight people were killed and hundreds of others were injured. Indonesian Police Chief Gen. Tito Karnavian formed an investigation team to investigate the May 22, 2019 riots.
“The Chief of Police has formed an investigation team led by the National Police General Inspectorate Commissioner General Moechgiyarto to find out the causes and all aspects,” said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Mohammad Iqbal in the Coordinating Ministry for Politics, Law and Security, Central Jakarta on Thursday, May 23 2019.
The police formed a fact-finding team to investigate victims of children who were allegedly not perpetrators of riots but received police action to die during the demonstration May 22, 2019.
“The fact finding team will conduct the first meeting then determine the follow-up plan and immediately conduct a comprehensive investigation,” said the Head of the National Police Information Bureau Brigadier General Police Dedi Prasetyo in Jakarta, Saturday (05/25/2019).
He revealed, his party was preparing fact-finding team personnel. The team will conduct the first meeting to determine the follow-up plan and investigation.
Dedi ensured that the results of a comprehensive investigation of the death toll of children will be delivered openly to the public.
“A fact-finding team has been formed, and will immediately work in order to conduct an investigation into the tracing of cases on May 21-22,” he explained.
Meanwhile, in a written statement the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) asked the National Police to thoroughly investigate child victims in the riots on May 22.