Had invited his mother and father to explode bombs
EDITOR.ID, Sukoharjo, Central Java,- A powerful bomb blast occurred in front of the Simpang Kartasura Police Post, Sukoharjo, Central Java on Monday (04/06/2019) night. It didn’t take long, the identity of the bomber finally revealed.
The suicide bomber 2 days ago was identified as 22-year-old Rofik Asharuddin.
Police confirmed the explosion near the Kartasura Police Station, Sukoharjo, Central Java, was an attempt at a suicide bombing. The perpetrator, Rofik turned out to have been paid by the ISIS leadership, Abu Bakar Al Baghdadi understood Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
Even RA has prepared its action since 2018 by buying explosives as a result of asking for his mother’s money.
Central Java Regional Police Chief, Inspector General (Pol) Rycko Amelza Dahniel explained the results of the investigation of the case. The first is the electronic goods carried by the perpetrators in the same location as those found in the perpetrators’ homes not far from the location.
“It was concluded that the electronic items in the series of bombs found in the material were exactly the same as those found in the house in question,” said Rycko at the Central Java Regional Police Headquarters, Jalan Pahlawan Semarang, Wednesday (05/06/2019).
The results of other investigations turned out that RA was communicating with the ISIS leadership, Abu Bakar Al Baghdadi through Facebook since 2018 and was baiat. He was indoctrinated with the teachings which were conditions of violence.
“Secondly, the bomber since 2018 has been actively communicating through social media and the internet. Communicating with the ISIS leadership, Abu Bakar Al Baghdadi. 2018 finally pledged to Baghdadi,” he explained
He had invited his father, mother and brother to join him but was refused. The perpetrators then learned to make explosives by making firecrackers and detonating them in the backyard.
“Then they were taught how to make explosives. Applied in daily life, made firecrackers divided into children, practiced behind the house with rice fields. Finally made a bomb like the one that was used 2 days ago,” explained the police chief.
RA then took action alone with the assumption that the action was amaliyah as taught by ISIS. The young man had even set up a bomb since 2018 by repaying materials purchased with his mother’s money.
“He asked for money from his mother. Only from his mother. Buy installments since 2018, buy electronics, chemicals to be black powder, yesterday the casing was pan, if the pan was at home. He blew up the manual. Parents reminded them not to make firecrackers. “It’s a big convent,” explained Rycko.